President Gutcheck Obama plans to fork up about $100 million dollars to “map the human brain.” Seems like a good idea to me.
Brain Research Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies Initiative is “the next great American project,” Obama said. Get it? BRAINI! Wow, genius I tells ya.
I can guarantee you that old Gutcheck did not come up with that one. Oh no. Gutcheck has got “people” for stuff like that. Highly paid and intellectually credentialed people. Yup.
One of those highly paid television pundits maintains the project will take about twenty years. That would be a 2 followed by a single zero. 0. I’m not going to hold my breath waiting on the next twenty years. The last twenty years were just a screaming load of hijinx. Oh yeah.
At some point during the researching phase of the “initiative”, one of the brainiacs will “discover” the area of the human brain that determines the stupidity potential. Some genetic molecular DNA marker genome thingy will be influenced or not influenced by some ‘other’ chemical compound and presto. Influenced human will turn out to be a special kind of stupid or not. That stupidity marker may in fact turn out to be environmental. Or more likely, a carbon-based industrial pollutant discharge that’s simmering comfortably in the effluent flow steeping slowly in a bayou of southern Louisiana.
I suppose that if Gutcheck is planning on pissing away a $100 million dollars, brain research seems a pretty good idea. On the face of it anyway.
Oh yeah, there is a sinister downside to all the hub-bub. DARPA. DARPA is going to be ‘hands on’ through out the research protocol.
You remember DARPA, advance military researching the machinery of war. DARPA gave our world depleted uranium munitions and the spiffy keen new and impr0ved napalm. DARPA is more than likely responsible for the white phosphorus munitions that the Israelis are particularly fond of. Gaza gets rained on with white phosphorus quite regularly. Burns it’s way clear through the human body.
DARPA. Rolls right off the tongue. Here follows some DARPA highlights -
CROSSHAIRS (Counter Rocket-Propelled Grenade and Shooter System with Highly Accurate Immediate Response) - This program aims to develop an all-in-one, vehicle-mounted , detection and weapons unit that will be able to locate enemy ambushers and snipers while moving or while stopped.
ChemBots (Chemical Robots) -This program, the product of cooperation between DARPA and technical research institutions such as MIT and Harvard, is developing surveillance robots that are small, flexible, and that use material-chemistry technologies such as gel-solid transitions to physically alter their shape in order to manoeuvre through small, irregularly shaped openings in enemy perimeters.
Remember the second Terminator flick? DARPA is working on that now.
EXACTO (Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance) - This project seeks to revolutionize the practice of military sniping. It will create the first-ever guided 50-calibre round, which will be capable of adjusting its own course mid-air using information from an optic sensor system. The value of a successful, self-correcting sniper round is substantial. Failed sniper shots notify enemies of an imminent attack, leading to unnecessary engagements that risk personnel and equipment.
Now you’ve got to admit the EXACTO thingy is extra special. Okay and let’s do one more just for laughs.
EXCALIBUR – This project seeks to deploy directed weapons lasers that are many times smaller and lighter than current technology allows. These lasers generate irradiance levels strong enough to be lethal, but are far more accurate, precise, and damage-limiting than conventional weapons. In particular, compact EXCALIBUR laser systems could be mounted on aircraft, enabling aerial strikes with pinpoint accuracy, limiting collateral damage. This level of precision would ease the political and ethical consequences with which defence forces struggle when they are forced to engage military targets in civilian areas.
“Political and ethical consequences.” Oh damn, that’s too freaking funny. Like Amerikan ‘defense forces struggle’ with ethics. That’s rich.
So that’s the bottom line with President Gutcheck Obama’s “brain initiative.” Not so much concern with humanitarian advancement as there’s concern with advancing the freaking military. Figures.
There is something seriously wrong with President Gutcheck. Brain research and DARPA? This will turn out horribly bad.
So we made it to Friday the 5th day of April 2013. Visigothery and DARPA-