When the sun sets on Sunday the 7th day of April 2013, that setting marks Yom HaShoah. Genuflect and bow obediently.
HolocaustⓇ Remembrance Day. Everyone that is anyone on or around this here Planet Earth is supposed to shout “never again!”
Soon as the sun sets on Sunday I’m shouting out loudly, and for all the neighbors to hear, WHAT A LOAD OF BULLSH*T!
“Jews” were cacked in the ugliness of WWII the really big one. 6 million “Jews.” Just you ask any believing Jew and/or Zionist and they’ll tell you with a distinctly glazed look, oh yes indeedy, 6 million “Jews” were cacked by the evil Hitler.
You can also ask any quantified Ziongelical how many “Jews” were cacked during the HolocaustⓇ and you will get the standard quantified Ziongelical response of, “what?”
Ziongelicals don’t give a flying fig about “Jews.” Oh no they do not. Because and on account of, if’n them crazy dang “Jews” don’t come to Jebus and “convert to be saved”, well, them crazy dang “Jews” are gonna burn in hell. Put that little qualifier to John Hagee and listen closely to his response.
It is a given that Hagee is straight up insane. Hagee is also a qualified heretic. Would not know a Biblical Gospel from a post millenial pre-dispensational Brazilian wax job to save his lying arse.
Sorry, after a quick dash out the back door for a spit, I digress.
HolocaustⓇ Remembrance Day is dogma.
dogma |ˈdôgmə|
a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true
It is worlds of problematic that “authority” on the notion of holocaust is highly suspect. Fraudulent? Yeah, probably that last one.
It’s a load of Zionist crap.
On the 27th day of January 1945 -
“The Red Army has liberated the Nazis’ biggest concentration camp at Auschwitz in south-western Poland.”
From the BBC archive and we’re talking about the Soviet “Red Army.”
Golly, I don’t recall there being any fuss about the Soviets liberating Auschwitz. Why, if you consider the ‘oral tradition’ surrounding “HolocaustⓇ”, didn’t the Zionist obedient Amerikans liberate Auschwitz?
According to Ben Stein, “Americans did NOT do enough to save Jews.” You know, Ben Stein of the Ferris Bueller movie? Hey Stein? Go spend a day with Hagee.
The entire notion of HolocaustⓇ Remembrance Day is absurd. The current HolocaustⓇ chic is hokum and contrived Spielberg nonsense.
No one that was actually there is left alive. For the most part, anyone that had anything to do with that little slice of inhuman depravity is left standing to set the record straight. The “oral tradition” in my family insisted that my Uncle Bill was there at the liberation of Auschwitz and that, I find out later, is crap.
Lemme see here – today is 2013 and then was 1945 and gimme a sec while I do the subtraction drill…
68 years. 68 freaking years later and we’re supposed to believe the “stories of the HolocaustⓇ” like they were TRUTH?!?
No, it’s not truth. The hype is dogma.
Then – now.
For certain, whatever happened a way back then plays itself out in postmodern Israel. Where Holocaust occurs every freaking damn day of the year. Holocaust wrought on Palestinians by the very people that should by all rights and the dogma, be living ‘never again.’ Why in the name of whatever might be holy, would Jews and/or Zionist Israelis want to holocaust the Palestinians? Do Israelis consider Palestinians to be ‘untermenschen’? The question is of course rhetorical.
Today tomorrow what freaking ever. Visigothery for Saturday the 6th day of April 2013 and this is how I celebrate HolocaustⓇ Remembrance Day -