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daddy/daughter day


Gutcheck Obama wants to “close” Gitmo. Wow, now where have we heard that before? Oh right, Obama. However, old Gutcheck did put the onus on Congress and he was absolutely correct to do so. Just about a couple weeks back, Sen. ‘swishy’ Graham stood before the Washington presstitute corps and was adamant in singing the praises of Gitmo. According to Graham, ” Amerika needs Gitmo. Amerika needs a Gulag where we can torture Muslims out of sight from the rest of the world. A Gulag where the world will not now nor ever hear their agonized screaming. A Gulag where Muslims will know with an absolute certainty they have no hope. We can crush their spirits and castrate their self esteem and no one will ever have to witness how absolutely immoral Amerika has become.”

I don’t know but, Graham is about one creepy little closeted freak. Maybe that’s his problem. Being closeted. The insufferable and crawling little fascist has “issues.”  Graham certainly raises some questions about the people residing in South Carolina. You see, swishy is Senator from South Carolina. The Palmetto State. A palmetto is a small palm. Not like in the ‘palm’ of a hand. Oh wait, maybe that’s exactly it. Small palms. Can’t quite get a handle on things. Tiny hands, tiny minds. Well and, one seriously disturbed little senator. Graham ain’t but about a half bucket of spit. I’m going to, from this point onward, refer to Graham as Sen. Palmetto. He’s got them teeny tiny hands. Titanic megalomanical ego and teeny tiny hands. Anyway, why South Carolina would put this buffoon in elected office is curious at best. Of course were one to reverse that line of logic, why on earth would New York elect an asshat like Chucky Schumer. Senators would therefore be sort of like family. One can choose friends and associates but, family and politicians you’re just stuck with them. If South Carolina really “loved” these here United States of Amerika, they’d give Senator Palmetto the boot. Sooner would of course be better. End of political editorial on palmettos and Senator Palmetto.

Oh wait and one more little tidbit. Senator Palmetto is Air Force. Retired I do believe and now, is a “reservist” in the Air Force JAG corps. Palmetto is a JAG. Figures. Palmetto is a full bird mon Colonel. Ewww, is that special or what. Hey Palmetto? I’ve got a full bird for you, right here!


Say and speaking of Air Force, the Air Force facilitates any number of those drone attacks. Drone crusaders sit in comfy cushy trailers amidst air conditioned climate controlled resplendence. Targeting jihadis and assorted Taliban enemy combatants and regular Muslims on account of the drone crusaders haven’t been able to figure out whom it is exactly they cack from drone central. Seems murderously problematic to me. Seems worlds of coldblooded. Immoral? Both?

The Air Force Drone Crusaders clock in about 06:00 hours and check the scoreboards, suck up some turbo caffeine, and then commence to killing innocent souls in Afghaniscam or Pakistan or Yemen or Somalia or Mali or Boston. Well certainly the Air Force is droning innocent souls in Boston. Why wouldn’t they? Craft International mercs are bombing innocents in Boston and you can bet the Air Force wants a slice of that wet work.

Assassination by drone is THE go-to protocol for killing some sorry bastard just about anywhere on the Planet and then clock out and go home. Dinner with the family. Pretty slick no doubt. Brave? I’d doubt that. Brave is having the sack to work your violence up close and eyeball to eyeball. Sitting in an enclosed cargo container outfitted with all the latest hi-tech killer gear and that enclosed cargo container is planted squarely in outback Nevada is hardly up close and personal. But then up close and personal is hardly what Air Force has ever been about. Murder at arm’s length. No moral ambiguity there. Nope.

So when daddy/daughter day at the drone command central rolls around, you can imagine how proudly Amerikan those Air Force Drone Crusaders must feel. They’d get to show off their work cubicle to innocent eyes and explain in no uncertain declassified terms how they be straight up punk-ass killers. Comfortable punk-ass killers and that’s the straight up.

So on the first day of May and that would be May Day May Day May Day, the 1st day of and it’s a Wednesday 2013. Visigothery for the Drone Crusaders -


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