President Shaka Zulu Obama has given the Chosenites $70 billion dollars and yes that is USD. You see, the much hyped ‘sequestration’ does not apply to taxpayer monies going to Israel.
God’s Chosenite Lunatics are extra special.
Bottom line would be, it’s another wipe out for the Amerikan people.
The Obama subservience to Israel grows tedious if not outright treasonous.
John ‘Vietnam’ Kerry, the Herman Munster of diplomockery, found out up close and personal that Nouri al-Maliki doesn’t like being told what to do. al-Maliki basically told Kerry to piss off.
You see, catsup boy was whining to the Iraq Prime Minister about Iran and al-Maliki insisted that Kerry pony up some “credible intel” and of course Kerry had none. Has none? Either way.
Cyprus and the Cypriot people are now the sole property of the EU and Germany. Say my dear Cypriot brethren, how does slavery feel like on this here fine Monday morn? I certainly understand that by now it’s way late afternoon and probably closer to evening in Cyprus. So the Cypriots have had an entire day to digest the notion of being Angela Merkel’s boot wipe. My dear Cypriot brethren, you are all Palestinian now.
Say and speaking of Palestine and of course Palestinians, here’s visigothery for Monday the 25th day of March 2013 -