The United States led a boycott Wednesday of a controversial debate in the U.N. General Assembly about the role of international criminal justice in reconciliation.
Suzy ‘creamcheese’ Rice jumped out of her diplomockery chair, stomped both her feetsies, gathered her personal effects (affects?), and stormed out the GA. Of course she was surrounded by a “host” of her toadies roadies and Canadians.
International criminal justice, that’s a good one. You see, there is NO international criminal justice. Not at the International Criminal Court at the Hague nor anywhere on Planet Earth. On some rare and isolated occasions, Third World mostly nobodies that have rankled the sensitivities of US/NATO expansionary Colonialists are detained, renditioned, and slapped behind bars @ the Hague. Occasionally.
The 4 reals and wanton war criminals wander our world free. Never oh no not EVER held to account for horrendous genocide. Why is that? Lack of political will on the part of a “civilized” society?
Whatever. The ICC is a waste of time. A waste of money. One titanic and glaring display of hubristic hypocrisy.
Spit spit spit spit spit…
I’m not about to ring up another listing of the war criminals. We all know who (whom?) they are.
On this here 11th day of April 2013, visigothery short and sweet -