Oh goody, Congress is back in “session.” Amerika’s leisure class has been on ‘spring break’. Isn’t that just special? Well of course that’s special. Senators and Representatives work really hard.
Not really. The bozo freaks don’t do much at all. Well, there is all that national debt the fools keep piling on the Amerikan taxpayer. Make no mistake about the national debt, that’s the work of Congress. They hold the purse. Well, it’s not so much a purse as it would be an expressway into your wallet. Oh yes and by the by, you WILL pay the toll.
The United States Senate is in Pavlovian mode. Drooling all over themselves with possiblity. The possibility of war over Syria. Any number of Senatorial sycophants are clamoring for ‘humanitarian intervention’ in Syria. Humanitarian intervention is OrwellSpeak for just stand there fool while we laser target your sad and sorry ass.
There’s the scintillating possibility of war on Iran. The Israelis are demanding war on Iran by the end of the month. Oh that is ever so very true. Whiny damn Israelis don’t know when enough is enough. Of course and it is understandable that the Israelis are a mite distracted. “HolocaustⓇ Day and the Israelis and/or Jews and/or Zionists are busy flagellating themselves with cries of “never again!”
Never again? What a load. How about “okay that’s enough.” Of course and it is a given that the HolocaustⓇ crap-o-la is highly profitable for “Jews.”
Ever wonder why it is that no one makes a fuss about all the Roma people Hitler murdered? Why is that…
The United States Congress is back in action. Plant a firm hold on your wallet, count the heads of your children, and get ready for the resumption of the draft. Oh the draft and/or conscription in these here United States of Amerika is cranking up the wheels of those AFEES stations all across this here land of the free/slaves.
Don’t get me wrong here, I’m fully in favor of bringing back the draft. Absolutely NOTHING will jumpstart an antiwar movement like the draft. Uncle Sam will literally own you. Says so right there in the fine print of your draft notice. Bring back the draft and allow for no exemptions period and end of story. Across the board, gender, and sexual preference. DRAFT!!! Everybody gets to put some actual skin in the games concocted by Babylon-On-The-Potomac. Young Amerikans everywhere have absolutely no idea of what’s in store. Kids? You will love boot camp. Or maybe not.
I mean gosh, what with Imperial Amerikana quagmired heroin deep in the Afghaniscam and “committed” to saving Africa from some darn evil threat lurking in the darkest of Africa and Iran holding it’s own in the badlands of Middle East and the North Koreans plotting against decent Amerikans buried deep in the heartland and then you’ve got those urban terrorist militia/Aryan types threatening Connecticut, well, take a breath here, golly and what shall we ever do?
Not to worry your bumpy little head there Skeeter, Congress is there to keep you comfy safe and protected from…
Wait, who in hell is there to protect us from Congress?
I wonder how a draft would play out if’n these here United States of Angst-ridden Amerika goes all civil war? Wow, boggles the division of community property mind. Who would get whom and what and, well, you know. Connecticut Governor Mallethead shouldn’t have gone all insulting on the NRA guy. Damn if those east coast elitist types or Bloombergists aren’t just about condescending.
Anyway, visigothery for a Monday the 8th day of April 2013 -